Evidence-Based Therapy

Why Choose a Quest Cognitive Hypnotherapist? The evidence is clear, it works!

The Effectiveness of Quest Cognitive Hypnotherapy

For Treatment of Anxiety and Depression Compared with Other Therapies such as CBT

QCH Clients Improved
Other Therapies Improved

The Mental Health Review Journal September 2015. Results taken from a pilot study using 118 cases.

Our core philosophy is to never stop growing, to face challenges with innovation and reach as many people we believe we can help as possible.

We are the only hypnotherapy organisation and training school that has evidence-based research specific to our approach to therapy and whose inhouse-funded research project has been listed with NICE in their research area. The article can be found here.

We are not afraid to test the effectiveness of our therapy. We encourage a growth mindset in our clients and in our therapists.

Many hypnotherapy organisations pedal “evidence-based hypnotherapy” as a term that is either piggy-backing general research into the effectiveness of hypnosis that is not specific to their own approach to therapy, or they incorporate CBT as part of their approach and base their claims on CBT research results, again not their own specific approach or therapists.

Our therapy research was conducted by a team of QCHPA members using outcome measures that are standard within the NHS. It demonstrated our effectiveness is greater for the treatment of anxiety and depression than other talk therapies such as CBT used within the NHS (71% compared to 42%).

What did our research involve?

We have been asking clients to complete an independent assessment of where they are at the start of their therapy, and then track their improvement through the follow-up sessions.  This independently assessed and stored data clearly shows the positive impact that Quest Cognitive Hypnotherapists achieve with their clients.

Cognitive Hypnotherapy research data is now being used by Warwick University in a long-term project. We have also been asked to share our data with a French team of researchers who are looking into the long-term impact of therapy on client’s lives.

We really do understand the challenges you face – from finding a suitable therapist, to getting the results you dream about. We work hard to ensure we are providing the very best treatment for every client, and this rather large endeavour to research the effectiveness of our work is one of many ways that we do that.