Quest Cognitive Hypnotherapy Practitioners Association​

About the QCHPA

In 2000 The Quest Institute was formed, teaching students from all walks of life and from all across the globe how to work as Cognitive Hypnotherapists. By 2015 we had an amazing network of practising Quest Cognitive Hypnotherapists. We also celebrated the published results of our research into the effectiveness of Quest Cognitive Hypnotherapy (QCH). The growing size of our network meant that Trevor, Bex and Jan could no longer service its potential on their own, so the publication of our research project seemed the ideal time to move things to another level, and the Quest Cognitive Hypnotherapy Practitioners Association (QCHPA) was formed. The membership has continued to grow as new students graduate every year.

The QCHPA primarily exists to benefit those who belong to it, and those its members serve – the public. So, instead of being a limited company the QCHPA was created as a Community Interest Company. CIC’s are very cool because they limit the use of any profit made, it has to be spent on the purpose for which it exists. We liked that.

Since 2015 we’ve grown and been able to define more clearly what we’e seeking to achieve. Mainly it’s to make the public aware of the power and possibilities of our approach, and by doing so enable our members to make an ethical, prosperous living. We’re also here to nurture and support our community of members in every way possible, because we’re stronger together, and to extend our knowledge and competence. We want to encourage QCH to be a permanent revolution, never satisfied with where we are until we can offer a therapy that works for everyone, for all things, always. And promote kindness as a default in this world. 

Why Choose A QCHPA Registered Therapist?

How Well Trained Is Your Therapist?

QCHPA Registered Therapists

In essence, our members are individuals building small businesses, serving the public by offering an evidence-based therapy service. All are graduates of The Quest Institute, and work to the standards required by the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC).

How does the QCHPA serve our Members?

The services offered aim to help members build their businesses and create ethical prosperity. This is achieved through the provision of support materials, the continuation of research that has proven the effectiveness of the therapy offered, and publicising of the research to raise the confidence of the public in seeking help for their wellness issues. In creating an open and giving community, with access to emotional support and professional development opportunities, we can create an atmosphere of excellence and build even higher standards, which we feel will be more achievable without the pressure that comes from having a commercial intention.

Our QCHPA registered therapists have all agreed to a set of standards listed below:

  • They must have passed the Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma (HPD). This is the only externally validated Hypnotherapy qualification in the UK and conforms to the National Occupational Standards for Hypnotherapy. It was established by the NCH (National Council for Hypnotherapy) as a benchmark for training quality that the public could have confidence in, and to separate holders of it from the many Hypnotherapists who have only had a minimal amount of training.
  • They must be members of the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) or NCH and comply with their code of ethics and public protection policy. The CNHC was set up with government support to protect the public by providing a UK voluntary register of complementary therapists. CNHC’s register has been approved as an Accredited Register by the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care.
  • They must practice what we teach – Quest Cognitive Hypnotherapy. We think this is the most advanced use of hypnotherapy available and we expect the public to get the benefits they would expect from our claims.
  • What they will not do is offer guarantees, promise 95% success rates or impose their ideas on you. This is the real world. We want you to come to see a Quest Cognitive Hypnotherapist because you can trust that they are as good as you can find. We do not think slick marketing is the way to win that trust.