Client Testimonials

Testimonials for Quest Cognitive Hypnotherapy

I turned to Cognitive Hypnotherapy as a bit of a last resort, having struggled with several issues which had been sabotaging my self-image and relationships for years. Despite trying a number of treatments, nothing had really worked for me. The issues I wanted to address feel like a distant memory now, rather than something waiting to trip me up unexpectedly. I feel much calmer, confident and balanced, and this has already brought so much positive change into my life in the four months since I finished working with the Quest therapist. No more mind chatter, which used to be a constant, irritating companion. Unlike with the other therapies I’d tried, I don’t have the sense that the advances I’ve made will slip away in the future. It feels like the changes I’ve wanted will be permanent. I can’t thank the Quest therapist enough and would recommend Cognitive Hypnotherapy to anyone.

My daughter continues to do well, and she is back to her normal self – no sign of any eating disorder. She now enjoys food, and more crucially is not locked up emotionally.

Well next week is the 4th anniversary and I just wanted to let you know I am one of your true success stories. Without your support I would still be puffing away!

Initially I didn’t know what to expect from Cognitive Hypnotherapy. Like most people, I’d seen stage hypnotism and I knew someone who had successfully given up smoking after having hypnotherapy, but I didn’t have much idea what actually happens. Receiving Cognitive Hypnotherapy isn’t anything to be afraid of. It’s a fascinating and relaxing experience and I was completely aware of what was happening at all times. I left each session feeling calm and a little bit excited about how and when I would start to notice the effects of the work that we had done. I have received four sessions now and it really feels like the change that I was looking for has happened. As time goes by it feels as though the changes are getting stronger and more permanent. I’d be happy to recommend Cognitive Hypnotherapy to everyone!

Create Your Life, Your Way

My Quest Hub

A growing, thought-provoking place to help you create your life, your way

Cognitive hypnotherapy has helped me immensely in many ways. I suffer with severe eczema so initially I went to a Quest hypnotherapist for help with training my mind to break the ‘itch-scratch’ cycle. Mind-calming and focussing techniques have greatly helped and can actually make the itch disappear. My journey with my Quest therapist also covered anxiety and depression. Now acting as a sounding board for my career concerns, my Cognitive Hypnotherapist is my go-to person for almost all issues. I cannot recommend Cognitive Hypnotherapy more highly.

For me, Cognitive Hypnotherapy helped to shrink or remove various mental blockages which were disrupting the natural flow of life within me. The result is that I am now a far more confident person, and have a much deeper self belief & self worth. Cognitive Hypnotherapy has had a very big and positive impact on my wellbeing.

I was delighted when Cognitive Hypnotherapy gave me an almost effortless way to tackle my issues and I’ve experienced a swift, almost magical transformation in my internal world, which has led on to positive snowball effects extending out into my outer life. The external issues I came to for therapy began to vanish as problems after only three sessions and I now feel happier in myself, more focussed and more motivated than I have for some years

I didn’t know what to expect when I arrived for my first hypnosis session, but the Quest therapist talked me through the whole process step by step and made me feel completely comfortable. Unlike my experience of counselling, during which I felt that I was/had the ‘problem’ and the counsellor who was/had the ‘solution’, Cognitive Hypnotherapy felt much more like I was being guided to use the resources which already existed within myself to provide my own solutions. This meant that, firstly, that the changes were much more genuine/effective and secondly, had the added benefit of massively improving my self esteem and confidence through the realisation that I could help myself, rather than relying on someone else’s answers. It is difficult to describe how effective some of the techniques are – at times I felt the therapist had waved a magic wand and evaporated anxieties which I had had for years… I can’t recommend her enough!

Create Your Life, Your Way

My Quest Hub

A growing, thought-provoking place to help you create your life, your way