How Quest Cognitive Hypnotherapy Can Help With Addiction

Are you struggling with addiction? It doesn’t matter what it is you are addicted to, our QCHPA therapists will be happy to chat with you and discuss the possibility of you working together. Watch the videos and read the related articles below to find out more.

Stopping Smoking… Drinking… Drugs… Addictions of any kind!

I think Cathy Simmons sums up our approach to addiction well in her article ‘Real Hope for Smokers’ because we recognise that everyone is different.

“You won’t get a formula or a set of scripts that are read out in order. You won’t get a set of ‘techniques’ that claim to work for everyone, every time. Instead we work together as two unique human beings to craft the result that you are searching for, working from a solid foundation.”

It’s important that you find the right therapist for you and that you recognise that the responsibility for a successful outcome lies with you as much as the therapist. Each of our therapists is as unique as you are (although they follow the principles of Quest Cognitive Hypnotherapy), so take the time to look at our therapist finder and find one who resonates with you. There is a future free of addiction for you if you wholeheartedly commit to the work.

If you need help get in touch with one of our therapists today.

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